

advent through the eyes of bj
For many of us, having grown up in a modern evangelical congregation, the word advent does not carry much particular significance. On one end of the spectrum we may associate the word with a Roman Catholic tradition that is therefore foreign to us or, at the other extreme, it may bring to mind some "cute" holiday/Christmas tradition whose true meaning and/or origins have been long lost to history. This situation is unfortunate; truly unfortunate.

To understand why it is best to start by examining the word itself; advent comes from the Latin and means "to arrive" the arrival that Christians are awaiting is the coming of our King, that is Jesus the Christ, and subsequently the establishment of His Kingdom bringing the long awaited restoration of the creation! Historically, Christians have understood from Jesus' teachings that His coming will be a surprise to the planet and its inhabitants and that we ought to be carefully preparing that we might not be caught unaware as the unfaithful servant or the virgin with no oil in her lamp.

A special season of preparation was established by Christians and it is this season that is called Advent. The period is four weeks prior to Christ-mass day and has been traditionally observed by times of quiet reflection, acts of charity and especially confession.
Confession and repentance are seen as the primary ways in which we can prepare ourselves for the glorious coming. In confession we acknowledge that we have done wrong and in repentance we vow to seek the better way. The reason for the emphasis on confession and repentance is that in this way we align our hearts with God's law and therefore His Son's Kingdom.

The culmination of the season is the Christ-mass. Beginning an hour or two before midnight the service is somber and quiet initially; after the midnight bell rings the service takes on a new tone. Songs and carols of rejoicing are sung in jubilation as the Christians celebrate that the King has come once to show men the way and will come again to govern in righteousness!

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